Topic: “Commuters – the impact of Covid-19 on the cross-border transfer of people for work”
Language: Slovak (from 11:00 – 12:00 German)
Peter Šimo (Managing Partner, CMS)
Barbora Korenecová (Senior Associate, CMS)
Natália Jánošková (Associate, CMS)
At the webinar, we will focus on commuting between Slovakia and Austria, but we will also mention commuting to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The rules of commuting are not uniform between individual countries and constant development causes frequent changes in the conditions of commuting, so we map the most up-to-date information that we provide to you at the webinar.
– Introduction
– Definition of the term “commuter” in individual countries
– Conditions of commuting between Slovakia and neighboring countries
– Compulsory quarantine and isolation
– Questions and answers (discussion)
(You can send your questions on the topic prior to the webinar by 6 May 2020 to the e-mail contact: mailto: sohk@sohk.sk)
Free of charge for members.
Registration deadline: 15:00 on 6 May
Webinar link will be sent to registered participants.
Register at: swedcham@sweden.sk