The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia was officially opened on April 4th, 1997. Today there are 48 members and the Chamber works continuously to improve and support initiatives and contacts that will lead to increased trade between Sweden and Slovakia.

The founding members felt that the Chamber should be a suitable instrument to promote and to contribute to the development of business between the two countries and to increase mutual contacts between them.

Our Vision

  • To create value for our members by providing them with a network of companies and Executives with whom you can share best practice and experiences, as well as receiving advice and guidance.
  • To provide our members with an agenda of activities, events and seminars about current issues that are of importance and of common interest to the members, with an established agenda also seeking for opportunities to entertain and network.

Our Mission

  • To promote and seize business opportunities with the objective to stimulate business between Sweden and Slovakia as well as educating and creating awareness in Swedish-Slovak traditions and culture.

List of benefits for the Members of the Chamber

  • Opportunity to access a database of Executives, Entrepreneurs and Individuals representing Swedish and Slovak industry, creating a valuable base for Networking.
  • Opportunity to promote your business and products amongst the Members.
  • Opportunity to host a presentation/excursion to company´s premises or a production site for other member companies.
  • Opportunity to attend forums, meetings, and events organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce or other International Chambers.
  • The possibility of joint steps towards government bodies and joint initiatives in the preparation of legislative norms, especially in co-operation with other foreign chambers of commerce in the Slovak Republic.
  • Mediation of direct contact with representatives of the Swedish Embassy in Vienna, also with the Swedish Ambassador to Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia based in Vienna.
  • Opportunity to meet VIP’s on Special Occasions arranged by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

The aim of the Chamber is to encourage, facilitate and promote the development of business contacts between Sweden and Slovakia, and to support our members in business questions of common interest.
We are arranging social events, seminars, business mixers, sport events and in cooperation with other foreign Chambers we are also performing lobbying activities.

Our aspirations for the future are to build up a true working partnership with the Slovak Government, to make stronger promotion of Sweden in Slovakia, to improve exchange of best business practices and further to develop our support for new established Swedish companies in Slovakia.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia organizes regularly for its´ members the following events:

  1. Business Breakfast Meeting – 2-3 meetings per year, with invited guest speakers on interesting topics.
  2. Speed Business Meeting – 2-3 times per year organized in cooperation with other foreign chambers of commerce.
  3. After Work Mingle – informal meetings held in February, April, June, September and November
  4. Midsommar Party – summer garden party to celebrate a traditional Swedish holiday.
  5. Swedish Chamber Open Golf Tournament – in September, for members and invited guests.
  6. Lucia Party – traditional pre – Christmas celebration
  7. Visit to Member – once a year excursion to premises/production site of a member company
  8. Swedish Culinary Evening – held in Spring or Autumn

The Swedish Chamber is involved in events organized by the Foreign Chambers of Commerce. There are three main events that already enjoy a long tradition: Tax Seminar, Sports Day and Charity Events.