We invite you to a business brunch hosted by a member company Prosman & Pavlovic on the occasion of opening their law firm in Kosice.
The following customs related topics will be presented:
- Self-taxation of VAT on imports,
- AEO,
- Restrictions against Russia,
- Proof of origin for iron and steel imports into EU from 30 September 2023,
- Carbon duty,
- Current topics in the field of excise duty
Speakers: JUDr. Maroš Prosman, JUDr. Rastislav Vysocký, LL.M., Mgr. Bc. Roman Šajgalík
Language: Slovak
For invitation in Slovak or English please see the documents below:
24 Oct 2023_invitation_CUSTOMS coffee_EN
24 Okt 2023_pozvanka_CUSTOMS coffee_SJ
Please register at: office@ppak.sk