

27.02.2023  10:00 - 11:30

Event Type

Austrian Chamber

We invite you to a webinar organized by our colleagues at the Slovak-Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Italian-Slovak Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Eversheds Sutherland and Slovenske elektrarne  a.s. on topic:

“Quo vadis Energy”

  • Current situation and projected developments of the energy situation.
  • What are the tools to stabilize the business sector in relation to energy prices?

 Speakers: Andrea Pancotti, Sales & &energy Services Manager, Slovenske elektrárne

                      Bernhard Hager, Managing Partner, Eversheds Sutherland

Language: Slovak

Participation fee: free of charge for members

Registration: before 24 February, 2023 at swedcham@sweden.sk

Inviation in Slovak language: Pozvánka_27_2_Energie